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The NIH Library Bioinformatics Support Program

Thursday, October 27, 2011 — Core Poster Session

10:00 a.m. – Noon

South Lobby of Building 10




  • M Bhagwat
  • L Young
  • R Robison


The NIH Library Bioinformatics Support Program ( was founded in 2009, based on a survey of NIH Researchers. The program offers training covering a wide range of topics including sequence analysis, genome browsers and pathway analysis. The classes are held in the NIH Library's state-of-the-art training room, where students are provided laptops for hands-on practice. The classes are in great demand and have been attended by over 2000 participants to date. The current class schedule can be obtained from Access to several online tutorials is given at The program also licenses bioinformatics software for NIH staff. The list of licensed resources is available at Also available are two high performance workstations (64bit architecture, 48Gb RAM and 2TB disk space) for NIH staff to use. Another aspect of the program is to provide consultations to the researchers on their research projects, including high-throughput data analysis. The program recently began management of the Web site “Computational Molecular Biology at NIH and Beyond”: . The program’s first venture into social networking is Twitter: Two articles about the program were published in the NIH Catalyst and can be accessed from and .

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